> I am having problems connecting to JMS from a J2EE
> Client. The app works when run inside of NetBeans
> IDE. It also works when using webstart from the same
> machine (javaws http://localhost:8080/JMSTest2). But
> it hangs if you try and access it from a remote
> machine using javaws
> The app will
> start on the remote machine but hangs on this line.
> ConnectionFactory theCF = (ConnectionFactory)
> theContext.lookup("jms/test_cf");
> there is no stack trace or exception on the remote
> client.
Can you obtain a thread dump (of both client and server) when it is in this "hanging" state? Then we can see exactly what operation is blocking.
[Message sent by forum member 'nigeldeakin' (nigel.deakin_at_sun.com)]