Re: Quercus 4 on Glassfish 3

From: Dominik Dorn <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 13:21:34 +0100

Hmm.. I'm always using the "exploded" directory .. when you deploy your web
application, you can
specify if you would like to upload a war or choose a war OR A DIRECTORY on
the server. If you choose a directory,
you can simply modify the contents of it anytime... it will work with the
php-files.. if you change
other servlets, you will have to restart the app.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Serge Fonville <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Thx for the reply
> >> I'm trying to setup Glassfish 3 to support PHP.
> >> In the past I used Glassfish 2.1 with Quercus 3.1
> >> When I add a index.php to $GLASSFISH/domains/domain1/docroot
> >> Nothing happens when I open http://localhost:8080
> >> When I open http://localhost:8080/index.php it shows the source code
> >>
> >> When I dropped quercus-4.0.2.war in
> >> $GLASSFISH/domains/domain1/autodeploy and then openen
> >> http://localhost:8080/quercus-4.0.2/ everything worked as expect.
> >>
> >> Are there any additional things I need to do to make this work?
> > I simply packaged my webapp as normal and deployed it to "/" through the
> > admin-interface
> > ( so no copying to domain1/lib or editing default-web.xml .. )
> The point is that I want to be able to add webapps without needing to
> recreate a .war
> Thanks for all the help so far
> Regards,
> Serge Fonville
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