Re: GlassFish v3 admin console very slow

From: Hassan Schroeder <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 10:10:37 -0800

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Anissa Lam <> wrote:

> If you have the console running, you can also go to the Configuration tab of
> the update center tree node, and set it up.

The node labeled "Update Tool"? I clicked on it several minutes ago
and *nothing* seems to be happening.

> Or you can bring up  glassfishv3/bin/updateool  and set the proxy there.

"The software needed for this command (updatetool) is not installed."

Is there just a file we can edit to set the proxy settings?

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan