New features in this release
1. Implemented using GlassFish v3 embedded API.
2. Startup time improvement. Almost 15-18% faster startup.
3. Fully Rack compliant
4. Support for running GlassFish gem by passing code block
:port=>4000) do
use Rack::CommonLogger
use Rack::ShowExceptions
map "/hello" do
use Rack::Lint
run {[200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"},
In the code above, the code block is using Rack middlewares such as
CommonLogger and ShowException for better debugging during development.
The actual Rack application code is minimalistic which returns "Hello"
as content body with HTTP status code 200 and HTTP header ContentType.
5. Lots of fixes for Sinatra support (extensions, middleware etc.)
6. New -a CLI switch to bind to a given IP address
7. Grizzly (NIO based HTTP library) configuration thru
$ gfrake config
Then look inside config/glassfish.yml.
8. Improved support for running Rackup scripts
Bug fixes
25812 ActionController::Request.remote_ip is not
26147 Setting Hostname IP Address Incorrectly
26149 Glassfish Gem fails to load Rails
application in the production
26208 Can't get glassfish to start rails in
thread-safe mode
26821 Error when running rack app
26866 JVM crash probably due to log file running
over limit
26935 rack.run_once not getting set
27030 Extending CLASSPATH poisons glassfish gem?
27125 Application Environment not passed to