Re: pkg can't update to 74a, b or c?

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:36:04 -0800

These builds were published to "stable" repository. You can add new
preferred publisher and use URL to
see branch updates to build 74. Usual disclaimers apply: updates between
promoted builds generally work but are not officially supported...



Luca Morettoni wrote:
> few times ago I updated my glassfish v3 installation with the usual:
> $ ./bin/pkg image-update
> and I run the build 74
> $ ./bin/asadmin version
> Version string could not be obtained from Server [localhost:4848] for
> some reason.
> (Turn debugging on e.g. by setting AS_DEBUG=true in your environment,
> to see the details).
> Using locally retrieved version string from version class.
> Version = GlassFish v3.0-b74 (build 74)
> Command version executed successfully.
> now I see in the promoted build directory 3 new version: 74a, 74b and
> 74c, but if I run the updating process I have:
> $ ./bin/pkg refresh --full
> $ ./bin/pkg image-update
> No updates available for this image.
> why appen this? The coming "stable" release is based on build 74?
> Which repo (publisher) I need to configure on pkg to "follow" the
> stable branch of gf3?
> Thanks