pkg can't update to 74a, b or c?

From: Luca Morettoni <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 16:44:42 +0100

few times ago I updated my glassfish v3 installation with the usual:

$ ./bin/pkg image-update

and I run the build 74

$ ./bin/asadmin version
Version string could not be obtained from Server [localhost:4848] for
some reason.
(Turn debugging on e.g. by setting AS_DEBUG=true in your environment, to
see the details).
Using locally retrieved version string from version class.
Version = GlassFish v3.0-b74 (build 74)
Command version executed successfully.

now I see in the promoted build directory 3 new version: 74a, 74b and
74c, but if I run the updating process I have:

$ ./bin/pkg refresh --full
$ ./bin/pkg image-update
No updates available for this image.

why appen this? The coming "stable" release is based on build 74? Which
repo (publisher) I need to configure on pkg to "follow" the stable
branch of gf3?

Luca Morettoni <luca(AT)> | OpenSolaris SCA #OS0344
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