Dear GlassFish Users,
maybe you ever wanted to be able to access your database with a file
based frontend? Think of the possibilities: People could list their data
rows in the client's Konqueror or Windows File Explorer just like it
would be files. They can drag and drop it, skype them, mail them, print
them. The content can be rendered on the fly (e. g. *server sided* PDF
or HTML created at time of file opening). Using an enterprise
application couldn't be more easy. Get rid of heavy-weight closed client
containers, just use a dead-simple file API based client! No ACC
installation anymore, no WebStart needed. Just a plain OS as the client.
Then you should check out
http://webdav.dev.java.net. Using that LGPL'ed
library it is rather easy to implement this ontop of JAX-RS (which is
part of GFv3). It was developed and tested using Jersey and GlassFish,
and is in productive use at several companies, including e. g. EADS (the
Airbus company).