Re: Adding a WebDAV Frontent to you GlassFish application

From: Shing Wai Chan <Shing-Wai.Chan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:34:07 -0800

GlassFish v3 itself also supports WebDAV.
     Shing Wai Chan

Markus Karg wrote:
> <announce>
> Dear GlassFish Users,
> maybe you ever wanted to be able to access your database with a file
> based frontend? Think of the possibilities: People could list their
> data rows in the client's Konqueror or Windows File Explorer just like
> it would be files. They can drag and drop it, skype them, mail them,
> print them. The content can be rendered on the fly (e. g. *server
> sided* PDF or HTML created at time of file opening). Using an
> enterprise application couldn't be more easy. Get rid of heavy-weight
> closed client containers, just use a dead-simple file API based
> client! No ACC installation anymore, no WebStart needed. Just a plain
> OS as the client.
> Then you should check out Using that
> LGPL'ed library it is rather easy to implement this ontop of JAX-RS
> (which is part of GFv3). It was developed and tested using Jersey and
> GlassFish, and is in productive use at several companies, including e.
> g. EADS (the Airbus company).
> Regards
> Markus
> </announce>