Re: How to investigate abnormal volume of JMS messages in GF logs

From: Nigel Deakin <Nigel.Deakin_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2009 11:24:48 +0000


These messages are logged whenever an "outbound" JMS connection is created. These connections are held in a pool; idle
connections are destroyed and re-created periodically after the pool's idletimeout has expired, which will be every 5
minutes by default.

To avoid cluttering the server log, this log message was downgraded from INFO to FINE in (I think) Glassfish 2.1.1 and 3.


CS Wong wrote:
> Hi,
> I run a GF cluster of 2 instances on 2 nodes and have a rather weird
> problem where I see a very high volume of messages being published where
> I don't know where they come from and what they're supposed to do. In
> each of my instance's server.log file, I can see a high volume of logs
> looking like this:
> [#|2009-12-09T06:48:59.780+0800|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.outbound.connection|_ThreadID=146;_ThreadName=Timer-6;|MQJMSRA_MC1101:
> constructor:Created mcId=9224:xacId=5454744738709268480:Using xacf
> config={imqOverrideJMSPriority=false, imqConsumerFlowLimit=1000,
> imqOverrideJMSExpiration=false, imqAddressListIterations=3,
> imqLoadMaxToServerSession=true, imqConnectionType=TCP,
> imqPingInterval=30, imqSetJMSXUserID=false, imqConfiguredClientID=,
> imqJMSDeliveryMode=PERSISTENT, imqConnectionFlowLimit=1000,
> imqConnectionURL=http://localhost/imq/tunnel, imqBrokerServiceName=,
> imqJMSPriority=4, imqBrokerHostName=localhost, imqJMSExpiration=0,
> imqAckOnProduce=, imqEnableSharedClientID=false, imqAckTimeout=0,
> imqAckOnAcknowledge=, imqConsumerFlowThreshold=50,
> imqDefaultPassword=guest, imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve=1000,
> imqDefaultUsername=guest, imqReconnectEnabled=true,
> imqConnectionFlowCount=100, imqAddressListBehavior=PRIORITY,
> imqReconnectAttempts=3, imqSetJMSXAppID=false,
> imqConnectionHandler=com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.protocol.tcp.TCPStreamHandler,
> imqSetJMSXRcvTimestamp=false, imqBrokerServicePort=0,
> imqDisableSetClientID=false, imqSetJMSXConsumerTXID=false,
> imqOverrideJMSDeliveryMode=false, imqBrokerHostPort=7676,
> imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout=60000, imqSetJMSXProducerTXID=false,
> imqSSLIsHostTrusted=false, imqConnectionFlowLimitEnabled=false,
> imqReconnectInterval=5000,
> imqAddressList=localhost:37676,mq://CM-app01:37676/,mq://CM-app02:37676/,
> imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations=false}|#]
> My server experiences very low traffic at night and yet I can see almost
> a thousand lines of these logs between 2am and 6am in each instance. The
> number of hits on the server may total up to just about 10 or so.
> I haven't seen that they're directly detrimental to my server's health
> just yet, but still, I would like to find out what these messages are
> doing and why they're appearing. Can anybody point me to the right
> direction to find out?
> Thanks!
> Wong