Re: Glassfish v3 and JSF 1.2

From: Pavel Kuzin <>
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 13:52:46 +0300

Hello, Sahoo!


Sahoo пишет:
> Can you create a simple test case, attach it to a bug and assign it to
> me (my ID is ss141213)? Let me see what's going on here.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Pavel Kuzin wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I`m trying to deploy my old JSF app on GF v3.
>> JSF is bundled with application.
>> sun-web.xml is there as described on
>> But Glassfish still initialising JSF 2.0.1 on webapp startup.
>> Strange that Icefaces is see JSF 1.2. With JSF 2.0.1 Icefaces tells "I
>> don`t want to start with 2.0".
>> Nov 3, 2009 9:34:25 PM JavaEEDeploymentRequest expand
>> INFO: Expanded at file:/tmp/osgiapp7703480660779131761/
>> Nov 3, 2009 9:34:30 PM com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
>> contextInitialized
>> INFO: Initializing Mojarra 2.0.1 (FCS b02) for context ''
>> Nov 3, 2009 9:34:31 PM com.sun.faces.spi.InjectionProviderFactory
>> getProviderFromEntry
>> SEVERE: JSF1051: Service entry
>> 'org.glassfish.faces.integration.GlassFishInjectionProvider' does not
>> extend DiscoverableInjectionProvider. Entry will be ignored.
>> Nov 3, 2009 9:34:31 PM com.sun.faces.spi.InjectionProviderFactory
>> createInstance
>> INFO: JSF1048: PostConstruct/PreDestroy annotations present.
>> ManagedBeans methods marked with these annotations will have said
>> annotations processed.
>> Nov 3, 2009 9:34:31 PM com.icesoft.faces.application.D2DViewHandler
>> <clinit>
>> INFO:
>> ICEsoft Technologies, Inc.
>> ICEfaces 1.8.2
>> Build number: 7
>> Revision: 19321
>> Thanks for your comments.
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Pavel D. Kuzin
Nodex LTD.
Saint-Petersburg, Russia