Re: V2.1.1 asadmin-create-domain doesn't accept all the domainproperties

From: Ed Hillmann <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 15:54:22 +1000

> <asadmin create-domain output starts here>
> Using port 10021 for Admin.
> Using port 10020 for HTTP Instance.
> Using port 10024 for JMS.
> Using port 10022 for IIOP.
> Using port 10023 for HTTP_SSL.
> Port for IIOP_SSL is in use. Using 14,238
> Port for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH is in use. Using 39,674
> Port for JMX_ADMIN is in use. Using 36,194
> Domain being created with domain.xml template:
> /wb/ehillman/peweb/data/temp/7110/default-2.1-domain.xml.template.
OK, I guess if I read it closely, I would've seen the problem. It's
getting the ports I've specified, but thinks they're in use. So, I
need to see what's using those ports.

Otherwise, I could pass a Checkports=false option (?) to stop this
from happening and ensure that the ports I want to use are used.

So, this is not a bug in Glassfish. Pardon the interruption.
