V2.1.1 asadmin-create-domain doesn't accept all the domainproperties

From: Ed Hillmann <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 15:05:03 +1000

Hi all. We have a script that we use internal to create new Glassfish
domains. It uses asadmin-create-domain, and it uses the
--domainproperties parameter to specify the ports that should be used.
 We specified values for orb.listener.port, http.ssl.port, jms.port,
orb.ssl.port, orb.mutualauth.port and domain.jmxPort. This is
important to use, as in our development environment we have a single
machine that will host multiple glassfish domains. So we need to make
sure the domains use the ports that have been alloted to them. This
worked fine with v2.1 of Glassfish.

We've now upgraded our environment to use v2.1.1 of Glassfish. When I
run the script now, asadmin is ignoring the specified ports for
IIOP_SSL, IIOP_MUTUALAUTH and JMX_ADMIN. According to the doco, the
domain proprties hasn't changed. So, if I look at the output of my
create-domain command, I write the value I'm passing into
--domainproperties, and the output of the command is showing me
they're using different ports.

Creating domain ehillman
<asadmin create-domain output starts here>
Using port 10021 for Admin.
Using port 10020 for HTTP Instance.
Using port 10024 for JMS.
Using port 10022 for IIOP.
Using port 10023 for HTTP_SSL.
Port for IIOP_SSL is in use. Using 14,238
Port for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH is in use. Using 39,674
Port for JMX_ADMIN is in use. Using 36,194
Domain being created with domain.xml template:

Again, this worked in v2.1, and the doco in 2.1.1 shows the same
property names. The behaviour isn't matching up, however.

I'm using domain.jmxPort for the JMX_ADMIN port, orb.ssl.port for the
IIOP_SSL port and orb.mutualauth.port for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH port.

Should I be using different names in the --domainproperties list? If
not, then this is a bug.

Thanks for any help,