Re: Support for new OSGi RFCs in Glassfish

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 20:20:37 +0530 wrote:
> Hello Sahoo,
> thanks for the fast answer.
> You said, "in due course of time". Can you be a bit more specific here? Are we talking about a minor version of V3 (3.3 or 3.5 or so) or about V4?
minor version of v3
> I'd like to experiment on this ...
> Running glassfish with equinox and getting spring dm (RI of Blueprint Services) started is really easy, but it's a clear addition to the functionality.
Not clear what you meant here. What improvement do you expect here to
make developer life easier? Your comments will be very useful.
> Database Access, Transactions and JPA have to be mixed up, I think.
We already have the support for developing web applications (war files)
as OSGi bundles. Since we support Java EE 6 style web applications, you
can already package yours EJBs in such an OSGi bundles. In fact, you can
use all the Java EE APIs in such an application. JPA is an issue which I
am actively working on. It should be there fairly soon. I am talking
about 3-4 weeks of time.
