Monitoring with Glassfish v3

From: <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 08:51:05 PST


I've installed the Glassfish v3 (glassfish-v3-b71) on my Linux server, and now I'm trying to deal with monitoring.
I've followed instructions on this great link: That implies:
- annotatations on the java class of my webservice (@ProbeProvider on my class, @Probe on my method to monitor,...)
- adding "probe-provider-class-names" in my MANIFEST.MF file of my webservice concerned, with the values "org.glassfish.web.admin.monitor.RequestProbeProvider,org.glassfish.web.admin.monitor.JspProbeProvider"
- creating a "StatsProvider" class which embedds a @ProbeListener, matching my method annotated with @Probe
- calling the method StatsProviderManager.register(...) in my webapplication, at starting-time.

But when I deploy my web archive on Glassfish3, I can see these logs:
[#|2009-11-17T16:53:33.328+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|org.glassfish.admin.monitor.StatsProviderManagerDelegateImpl|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|module-monitoring-level or container-monitoring config element for jsp-container does not exist.|#]

[#|2009-11-17T16:53:33.337+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|org.glassfish.admin.monitor.StatsProviderManagerDelegateImpl|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Flashlight listener registration failed for this listener class: org.myproject.JspStatsProvider|#]

At the deployment, I go into a method where I've put:
StatsProviderManager.register("jsp-container", PluginPoint.SERVER, "applications/app1/jsp1", new JspStatsProvider());

So in the documentation, it says that I can do: >asadmin get server.applications.app1.jsp1.*

But I do not get the new values defined with the annotations, only what I've configured in the admin interface to monitor. Seeing the warnings I get previously, I guess that there is a mistake in the configuration, but I don't see where, since I've followed the documentation.

I hope someone have already done this tutorial on the monitoring and could provide me some clues.

Kind regards,
[Message sent by forum member 'cedricbr' ]