Re: Monitoring with Glassfish v3

From: Prashanth Abbagani <Prashanth.Abbagani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 13:25:16 -0800


The instructions you were looking at is for external OSGI modules to
bring in their own monitoring. If you want to do this for an App, you
will need to make it an OSGI bundle. Please see my blog
<> on
how to do this.

If you don't want to make your App an OSGI bundle and don't mind having
a dependency on GlassFish, you could follow the steps discussed in
Byron's blog <>.

-Prashanth wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed the Glassfish v3 (glassfish-v3-b71) on my Linux server, and now I'm trying to deal with monitoring.
> I've followed instructions on this great link: That implies:
> - annotatations on the java class of my webservice (@ProbeProvider on my class, @Probe on my method to monitor,...)
> - adding "probe-provider-class-names" in my MANIFEST.MF file of my webservice concerned, with the values "org.glassfish.web.admin.monitor.RequestProbeProvider,org.glassfish.web.admin.monitor.JspProbeProvider"
> - creating a "StatsProvider" class which embedds a @ProbeListener, matching my method annotated with @Probe
> - calling the method StatsProviderManager.register(...) in my webapplication, at starting-time.
> But when I deploy my web archive on Glassfish3, I can see these logs:
> [#|2009-11-17T16:53:33.328+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|org.glassfish.admin.monitor.StatsProviderManagerDelegateImpl|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|module-monitoring-level or container-monitoring config element for jsp-container does not exist.|#]
> [#|2009-11-17T16:53:33.337+0100|WARNING|glassfishv3.0|org.glassfish.admin.monitor.StatsProviderManagerDelegateImpl|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Flashlight listener registration failed for this listener class: org.myproject.JspStatsProvider|#]
> At the deployment, I go into a method where I've put:
> StatsProviderManager.register("jsp-container", PluginPoint.SERVER, "applications/app1/jsp1", new JspStatsProvider());
> So in the documentation, it says that I can do: >asadmin get server.applications.app1.jsp1.*
> But I do not get the new values defined with the annotations, only what I've configured in the admin interface to monitor. Seeing the warnings I get previously, I guess that there is a mistake in the configuration, but I don't see where, since I've followed the documentation.
> I hope someone have already done this tutorial on the monitoring and could provide me some clues.
> Kind regards,
> Cédric.
> [Message sent by forum member 'cedricbr' ]
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