Re: Glassfish server not starting up

From: <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 12:46:53 PST

i'm very new to this web application programming.
i just downloaded NetBeans IDE bundled with the GlassFish server thing. I am not very familiar with these things.
I'm using glassfish version 2.1 and i know it because that shows in netbeans.

in the broker log this is what is given

[10/Nov/2009:00:24:19 GMT]
Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.3
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 4.3 (Build 7-g)
Compile: Fri 11/07/2008

Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is
subject to license terms.
Java Runtime: 1.6.0_16 Sun Microsystems Inc. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\jre
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] IMQ_HOME=C:\Sun\AppServer\imq
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] IMQ_VARHOME=C:\Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\imq
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] Windows XP 5.1 x86 NAVINA.lan (1 cpu) Navina GK
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] Java Heap Size: max=506816k, current=29408k
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] Arguments: -port 7676 -name imqbroker -imqhome C:\Sun\AppServer\imq\bin\.. -varhome C:\Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\imq -libhome C:\Sun\AppServer\imq\lib -useRmiRegistry -rmiRegistryPort 8686 -save -silent
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] Embedded Broker
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1004]: Starting the portmapper service using tcp [ 7676, 50, * ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] Using built-in file-based persistent store: C:\Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\imq\instances\imqbroker\
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1041]: Cluster initialization successful.
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1004]: Starting the cluster_discovery service using tcp [ 0, 100 ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1136]: Processing stored transactions
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1284]: 0 cluster transactions remain in PREPARED state, 0 in COMMITTED state waiting for remote broker completion
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] Of 0 remote transactions, 0 in PREPARED state, 0 in COMMITTED state
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1013]: Auto Creation of Queues is enabled
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1151]: Loading destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] with 0 messages
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1152]: Loading of destination mq.sys.dmq [Queue] complete
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] [B1239]: Using platform MBean server
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] JESMF classes not present - JESMF support will not be enabled.
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:20 GMT] JMX Connector Server jmxrmi started successfully with url service:jmx:rmi://NAVINA/jndi/rmi://NAVINA.lan:8686/NAVINA.lan/7676/jmxrmi
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1004]: Starting the admin service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 4 and max threads of 10
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1227]: Using file user repository for admin service connection authentication
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1004]: Starting the jms service using tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated) with min threads 10 and max threads of 1000
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1227]: Using file user repository for jms service connection authentication
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1004]: Starting the jmsdirect service using with min threads 0 and max threads of 0
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1227]: Using file user repository for jmsdirect service connection authentication
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1004]: Starting the cluster service using tcp [ ] with min threads 1 and max threads of 1
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1228]: Cluster ping interval is 60 seconds
[10/Nov/2009:00:24:21 GMT] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker_at_NAVINA.lan:7676" ready.
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] [B1007]: Stopping Service jmsdirect with protocol
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] WARNING Caught exception when stopping JMX Connector Server jmxrmi: Cannot bind to URL: javax.naming.ConfigurationException [Root exception is java.rmi.UnknownHostException: Unknown host: NAVINA.lan; nested exception is: NAVINA.lan]
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] WARNING [B2138]: Caught exception when stopping JMX Agent: Cannot bind to URL: javax.naming.ConfigurationException [Root exception is java.rmi.UnknownHostException: Unknown host: NAVINA.lan; nested exception is: NAVINA.lan]
[10/Nov/2009:00:25:38 GMT] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.

its trying to start the mq broker and then it shuts down.
[Message sent by forum member 'eakangk' (]