Re: Glassfish JSF 1.2_14

From: Ed Hillmann <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 08:43:32 +1000

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 7:13 PM, <> wrote:

> Ok, I forgot to mention that I'm using GF 2.1 here.
> As far as I can see the useBundledJSF is for 3.0
> I specified as well, just to be sure, but its not working.
> Still using _04
> And why do I need to use such obscure properties afterall?
> I'm already inverting the classloader delegation to make it look FIRST to
> the libs inside web-inf/lib.
> I fail to understand why this is not enough? ...

Yes, I tried to do this a few weeks ago with glassfish 2.1, and it just
didn't work. As far as I can see useBundledJSF will not work in 2.1 of
glassfish. It looked like the only way to do this in 2.1 was to not use
classloader delegation and then provide all the libs within the WAR file.

This was too much for me. So I opted for what (I thought) was the best
alternative. Glassfish 2.1.1 comes with JSF 1.2_13. I've been using an
early release of it, and it's scheduled to be
a few days. What I haven't tested is whether this version of
supports the useBundledJSF attribute. I've seen where it's been committed
to the 2.1 source code, so I'm guessing it will be. But, I'll emphasize
that this is a guess that warrants confirmation.

We'll start using 2.1.1 in place of 2.1, and I'll get what I was originally
after (a version of JSF 1.2 that is more current and one which is tested by
the JSF frameworks upon which our application is written).

Hope this helps,