port conflicts with glassfish v3 and v2

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 11:16:20 +0100

Hello everyone,
Lately I have been having so much problems deploying my application and ended up
even installing glassfish v3 preview. I already had cluster profile installed for v2. I used port
4949 for admin console. Then port 9090 for http ports. Then there is the other port 8181 which
I was not given the opportunity to change during installation. Now I do believe the same port
is being used by my v2. So during deployment in version v2 I get port conflicts. The question is if
I can check available ports on my PC to use how do I change the port 8181 for one of my servers?

I had same problems with sql error which somebody has already submit a thread for. I am following the
thread to see if I can find a solution to some of the problems I am facing at the moment. See below:
Thanking you in advance.

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