Re: Glassfish on Rails 2.3.4

From: Hassan Schroeder <>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 15:50:59 -0700

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Joseph Weissman
<> wrote:

> As far as my environment, I'm running Rails 2.3.4 on Glassfish v2.1 Prelude,
> JRuby v1.2.0 (with Rack 1.0.0 installed inside it), and building .wars with
> Warbler v0.9.14. (As far as I know, these should be latest versions of
> each.)

I'd update JRuby to 1.3.1, just because 1.2.0 is pretty old, but more
important, replace jruby-rack in warbler with 0.9.6 from q (you
almost certainly have 0.9.5).

Also, you might want to install the jruby-jars gem -- read warbler's

Not sure how GF2.1 works with this, I'm running on GF3, so...

Good luck, HTH,
Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan