Re: [Fwd: [embedded] How to unit test an EJB with Maven ?]

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 22:56:30 +0200

Let me try to summarize what works and what doesn't :

1/ EJBContainer.createEJBContainer() works well (including with JPA)
when using the static shell JAR (see glassfish-samples/ws/javaee6/ejb/
ejb-embedded as an example).
This glassfish/lib/embedded/glassfish-embedded-shell.jar file ships
with v3 and is really just an empty JAR with a ClassPath: entry
listing all the necessary JAR's. This requires a full GlassFish
distro. So running with the embedded shell JAR in you classpath should
run for your EJB unit tests.

Trying to use this from Maven is a different story :

- adding the static shell JAR artifact as a dependency to your POM
does not help as neither Maven nor tools read JAR manifests. Setting
the working directory in the Maven test run might do it (any mvn
expert in the room?), but this doesn't seem like a clean solution.

- adding the static shell POM as a dependency doesn't help either
because its dependencies are set to <optional>true</optional>. Not
sure why this is the case. Filed issue #9785 to track this one.

- adding a set of dependencies (glassfish-embedded-shell, jta, ejb-
container, gf-ejb-connector, and inmemory.jacc.provider) will get you
to start EJBContainer.createEJBContainer() and invoke EJBs ...
... but JPA operations fail with a "Unable to retrieve
EntityManagerFactory for unitName" error message.
I suspect this is more of a generic exception hiding a missing
dependency (the static shell approach described earlier touches almost
twice as many JAR files compared to what's available in the classpath
via the dependencies above).

I could (and probably will) try to find the appropriate set of
dependencies but I fear that the list of dependencies will be a lot one.
The best way to solve this IMHO is to either change the POM for the
embedded shell (if at all possible) or to create a new one which would
be the equivalent for Maven to the static shell.

2/ EJBContainer.createEJBContainer() does not work with the glassfish-
embedded-all.jar archive [2].
Filed issue #9625 to track this one.

Add yourselves to the CC list of the issues you want to track (or vote
for them or comment/contribute).


[1] :
[2] :

On Sep 26, 2009, at 12:36, wrote:

> Hi Antonio,
> it seems that I am on the same path as you are, tried to figure out
> why the examples of chapter 06 aren't working and included
> <dependency>
> <groupId>org.glassfish.extras</groupId>
> <artifactId>glassfish-embedded-all</artifactId>
> <version>3.0-b65</version>
> <scope>test</scope>
> </dependency>
> to my test module. No way to keep it going. So, I hope when I come
> back from holiday, that I found a solution or can read the solution
> in this thread :-)
> Heiko
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