Glassfish on Rails 2.3.4

From: Joseph Weissman <>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 14:36:58 -0400

Glassfish Team,


Our development group is evaluating Glassfish as a potential deployment
option for Rails. It suits our business model as we many of our applications
are Java-centric and already deploy easily on Glassfish.


However, we've been having some trouble getting .war files deploying to GF
using Rails 2.3.4. (It seems as though JRuby's version of Rack has some
issues?) At any rate we've tried several suggestions and patches but are
nevertheless no closer to getting a 2.3.4 Rails app deploying on Glassfish.


We were hoping that these issues had already been encountered and that you
might have possible solutions. If you need more information on our
environment, or the exceptions which are being thrown by Glassfish, we're
happy to provide these. Thanks in advance,




Joseph Weissman

Programmer Analyst