RE: Shared Persistence Unit

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 14:31:37 -0400

with Admin Console you can share the library under jbi

 A Shared Library provides Java classes that are not private to a
single component and is typically shared by more than one JBI component. For
example, the Java EE Service Engine requires the WSDL Shared Library.
From the Admin Console, you can:

View all Shared Libraries.
Install Shared Libraries. For steps to install Shared Libraries

In the Shared Libraries page, click Install.In the Install JBI Shared Library page, specify the location of the Shared
Library archive.You can either upload a Shared Library from your local file system or
copy a Shared Library from the Application Server host's file system. Use the
Browse Files button to navigate to the directory where the archive is located
and select the archive.
Click Next and in the General page, verify if the name and description
are correct.(Optional) In the Add to Available Targets table, specify one or more targets
to which the Shared Library will be deployed.Click Finish.The Shared Libraries page displays the new shared library.
Delete a Shared Library. This removes a Shared Library from all the targets and deletes it from the JBI repository.
documentation from JBI shared libraries from GLassfish Admin Console help

Martin Gainty
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> Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 09:00:59 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Shared Persistence Unit
> Is it possible with Glassfish to have a persistence unit that several ejb jars in an ear can share? I've tried a bunch of combinations with persistence.xml in various places: inside the ear itself, inside a "persistence module" ejb jar by itself, etc. But I can't get it to work. Has anybody successfully done this that can explain how? I've done a bunch of googling and haven't found the right clue.
> I have successfully done this with JBoss 4, but the same configuration of ear and persistence jar doesn't work in Glassfish [v2.1 (9.1.1) (build b60e-fcs)].
> [Message sent by forum member 'culli' (culli)]
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