Re: unable to start GFV3 in debug mode

From: dy220099 <Darani.Yallapragada_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2009 15:18:17 -0700

Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Darani,
> You can start the server in debug mode by giving the --debug option
> glassfishv3/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain --debug

 I am sorry for not being clear. I used --debug option and it does not
start in debug mode. It starts normally though.

I am trying from command prompt only and do not wish to start from GUI .

Any help is appreciated.

> or you can enable that in the GUI so that next time you start server,
> it will always start in debug mode.
> To do that:
> - go to http://localhost:4848
> - click on Configuration -> JVM Settings Tree node
> - check the 'Debug Enabled' checkbox, press Save
> - restart the server.
> Hope this help.
> Anissa.
> dy220099 wrote:
>> Hello :
>> I downloaded "" (GFV3) promoted on 29th July and
>> can start it normally (asadmin start-domain) but not in debug mode.
>> There are no processes running on port 9009 and I haven't installed
>> any software in the recent past.
>> Can you please let me know what can be done in regards to this ?
>> Note: I am running on Solaris and server.log shows
>> "connectorstartupservice: shutting down AMX and JMX"
>> Thanks
>> Darani
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