what is the diffrents b/w glassfish messaging and openMQ?

From: <>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 08:09:44 PDT

When we started our project i implemented notification using glassfish jms ,i created connection factory and destination with help of glassfish admin interface.everything working fine.later we desided to avoid direct access of iiop port so we planned to implement jms over i searched in google i got jms over http using openMQ tunneling, this openMQ folder structure found inside glassfish installation folder so everything installed and created destination and implemented messaging now working http messging fine.

my question is i can cannot access topic which i created first to access the destination which i created using glassfish interface using openMQ(when we use openMQ we need to create seperate destination which will cannot view in glassfish console.)

so two messaging(glassfish and openMQ) are entirely diffrent or both are same.

please suggest me
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