JPA Tuning for smaller memory footprint

From: Burak Oguz <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 17:12:28 +0300

Hi all,

On the GFv3 we have approximately 110 MBs deployed application which uses
ejb, jpa and web engines. Our glassfish v3 packages are like that:

felix 1.8.0-0 installed
glassfish-amx                                 3.0-54          installed
glassfish-common                              3.0-54          installed
glassfish-corba-omgapi                        3.0.0-20        installed
glassfish-ejb-lite                            3.0-54          installed
glassfish-grizzly                             1.9.15-0        installed
glassfish-hk2                                 3.0-54          installed
glassfish-jca                                 3.0-54          installed
glassfish-jdbc                                3.0-54          installed
glassfish-jpa                                 3.0-54          installed
glassfish-jsf                                 2.0.0-13        installed
glassfish-jta                                 3.0-54          installed
glassfish-jts                                 3.0-54          installed
glassfish-management                          3.0-54          installed
glassfish-nucleus                             3.0-54          installed
glassfish-web                                 3.0-54          installed
Our main problem is memory usage. We don't have too many users but we can
not able to run GFv3 under 250MBs. Domain.xml is attached to this post. We
think that there is a huge memory consumption from JPA because when we
deploy applications without JPA their memory usage is relatively too small.
Is there any way to tune JPA to use less memory?
Thanks in advance.