RE: Cross reference between EJB's in the same application

From: Ori Dagan <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 21:33:48 +0200

That worked.




From: Martin Gainty []
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:57 PM
To: Users
Subject: RE: Cross reference between EJB's in the same application


use bean-name instead of mapped-name

mapped-name: Specifies the product-specific name of the target Remote EJB.
In SUN's case, this refers to the global JNDI name of the target Remote EJB.
Not applicable for local interfaces because beanName() can always be used.

bean-name: ejb-name (*not* global JNDI name) of the target ejb within the
application. This can be used whenever the target ejb is defined within
the same application as the referencing component, regardless of local vs.
remote. The only time it can't be used is if the @EJB refers to a Remote
interface (3.0 or 2.x) that is defined outside the application.
use bean-name for ejbs within application

accessing EJBs in TC or Resin

Martin Gainty
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Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 17:21:06 +0200
Subject: Cross reference between EJB's in the same application



I’m trying to deploy an EAR with two WARs. Each WAR has a local interface
EJB and a proxy to the other WAR’s EJB.

Here is the code:





public class Ejb1 implements War1interface



      War1interface ejb;



      public void do1()








public class Ejb2 implements War2interface



      War1interface ejb;



      public void do2()






When trying to deploy, I’m getting:

“Error: Unresolved <ejb-link>: war1.war#Ejb1”


Actually, this can also be reproduced without cyclic referencing. If I
remove the EJB annotation from Ejb2, then the ear get deployed fine. On the
other hand, if I remove the EJB annotation from Ejb1, I am getting the same
error. This leads me to believe that it has to do with the order the ejb
container is publishing the EJB’s.


I am using glassfish v3 preview b56.


Is this a bug or am I missing something here?








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