I'm using Glassfish v2.1 and TopLink (both shipped with NetBeans v6.7). When I update an entity inside an EJB, it seems this is sometimes only known to the EJB/Glassfish, but not outside (db-viewer, other EntityManager).
Here is a test case (from a JUnit test):
public void test() throws NamingException {
TestService testService =
(TestService) new InitialContext().lookup("TestService");
Long id = testService.create("foo1");
System.out.println("1-service: " + testService.getFoo(id));
System.out.println("1-direct: " + getFoo(id));
testService.update(id, "foo2");
System.out.println("2-service: " + testService.getFoo(id));
System.out.println("2-direct: " + getFoo(id));
private String getFoo(Long id) {
String foo = entityManager.find(TestEntity.class, id).getFoo();
return foo;
And here the service implementation:
public class TestServiceBean implements TestService {
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "foo")
private EntityManager enityManager;
public Long create(String foo) {
TestEntity entity = new TestEntity();
return entity.getId();
public String update(Long id, String foo) {
TestEntity entity = enityManager.find(TestEntity.class, id);
return getFoo(id);
public String getFoo(Long id) {
return enityManager.find(TestEntity.class, id).getFoo();
// Add business logic below. (Right-click in editor and choose
// "Insert Code > Add Business Method" or "Web Service > Add Operation")
The output is:
1-service: foo1
1-direct: foo1
2-service: foo2
2-direct: foo1
-> after the update, the data is not visible outside glassfish (2-direct still gets "foo1")
What is going wrong? As far as I know the default for EJBs is CMT, which should do the commit after leaving the method - and this should update the db, shouldn't it?
Sometimes I do see the updates, though. Or parts of an update (in more complex cases).
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