Re: How To Stop Applications In Glassfish Similar To Websphere

From: Carlo Camerino <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 23:57:39 +0800

i was trying it but the context is not properly stopped...

maybe i'll check it again


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Rich Smith <> wrote:

> Hi Carlo:
> You can enable/disable applications via the Admin console. I'm not sure the
> extent of the "stop" but it appears to do the trick. We've found some apps
> that get caching problems can be refreshed by using the enable/disable
> function.
> Rich
> On 24-Jul-09, at 11:19 AM, Carlo Camerino wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>> In websphere, i can stop the application in the web administration console
>> by clicking on the stop button.
>> In glassfish there is no equivalent button that I found,
>> my question is,
>> is it possible to do this in glassfish also?
>> Thanks
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