Re: v3 brand new installation. Admin console not working

From: <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 11:29:14 PDT

> hmm.. I thought JAVA was platform independent.

It is, but some platforms can be different. Macs, for example, were a bit behind on updates until recently. I see you're on an SMP machine, and it's certainly conceivable that there are concurrency issues. I'd be surprised, to be honest, but you never know. Total swag. :)

> But since this is first time I got a rational
> response, I will give this another shot.

To be fair, as was noted in other thread, your requests have not been rational or professional. Toning down the attitude would help a lot. Despite that, I'll try to help.

> No, I haven't tried it on other systems and I don't
> think that should make a difference.

Well, it WOULD make a difference. If you can test the same installer on another system, you'll be able to tell if the installer is broken (if it fails on other machines) or if there's some sort of environmental issue on the box in question. Since we're trying to troubleshoot over a forum and can't see the box, it would certainly help at least to try and rule out what we can.

> It's really not so hard. The exception I pasted with
> first post should tell the whole story.
> "Cause: Unable to find class
> 'com.sun.webui.jsf.faces.UIComponentELResolver'"
> The question is why is it not able to find that
> class...

Right, which is what I'm trying to determine. That class comes from webui-jsf.jar, which should be in $GF_HOMElib/install/applications/__admingui/WEB-INF/lib/webui-jsf- If you'd like, you can verify that the class is in the jar. Assuming the file is there, then there might be a Classloader issue. What would be really helpful is the server.log. If you could delete the current log ($GF_HOME/domains/domain1/logs/server.log, then start the server, we could see everything related to a single server start, which could go a long way toward finding the root cause.

So that leaves two action items:
1) Try on another machine
2) Post a server log

Doing those two things will help a lot.

[Message sent by forum member 'jdlee' (jdlee)]