Re: JDBC-Connection-Pool driver versions

From: Dougal Fraser <Dougal.Fraser_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:29:14 +1200
Hi Martin,
Thank you for that, however this is what we were using.  The problems we are having is with 8i (we are aware that it is unsupported by Oracle) hence the need to split.
Aside from the problem at hand of course, I wish to at an academic level if this can be handled in a way that does not require two domains, or embedding jars into an EAR.


Martin Gainty wrote:
you can implement version-agnostic connections with OCI Driver here is doc:


The OCI driver is a Type 2 JDBC driver. It makes calls to the OCI (Oracle Call Interface) written in C to interact with Oracle Database, thus using native and Java methods.
The OCI driver allows access to more features than the thin driver, such as Transparent Application Fail-Over, advanced security, and advanced LOB manipulation.
The OCI driver provides the highest compatibility between different Oracle Database versions. 
OCI also supports all installed Oracle Net adapters, including IPC, named pipes, TCP/IP, and IPX/SPX.
Because OCI uses native methods (a combination of Java and C) the OCI driver is platform-specific. 
OCI requires a client installation of version Oracle8i or later including Oracle Net, OCI libraries, CORE libraries, and all other dependent files.
The OCI driver usually executes faster than the thin driver.
The OCI driver is not appropriate for Java applets, because it uses a C library that is platform-specific and cannot be downloaded into a Web browser. It is usable in J2EE components running in middle-tier application servers, such as Oracle Application Server.
Oracle Application Server provides middleware services and tools that support access between applications and browsers.

implementing your client to connect to Oracle via OCI would be the fastest implementation e.g.

Connection con = DriverManager.getCo­nnection("jdbc:oracl­e:oci@TNS_SID","username","password")­;
set CLASSPATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\app\or­acle\product\10.2.0\­server\jdbc\lib\ojdb­c14.jar;%CLASSPATH%
Information for obtaining instantclient distros are available from The Oracle Corp
Solaris set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include OCI binaries for your environment:
Windows set PATH to include OCI binaries for your environment
Vielen Danke/Gracias/Thank You
Martin Gainty
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Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 10:42:56 +1200
From: Dougal.Fraser@Sun.COM
Subject: JDBC-Connection-Pool driver versions

Hi everybody,
I have a need to connect to Oracle databases of different versions.  Because of various Oracle quirks, I need to use different versions of the oracle JDBC driver.  Both versions have the same driver class name and use URLs of the same format.
I use components that refer to database resources using JNDI.  Is it possible to specify classpaths individually for JDBC connection pools?

At the moment my current solution is to put system components requiring the old version into a separate domain, which is undesirable.

Dougal Fraser
SOA Architect

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
New Zealand
Phone x69822/+64 9 9766822
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Email Dougal.Fraser@Sun.COM
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Dougal Fraser
SOA Architect

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
New Zealand
Phone x69822/+64 9 9766822
Mobile +64 21 2711179
Email Dougal.Fraser@Sun.COM