Setup JAppServer2004 on Glassfish

From: Peng Du <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 23:04:34 -0500

Hello, there

First off, I am not a JavaEE developer and a newbie to Glassfish.

Recently I've been trying to set up SPEC jAppServer2004 with Glassfish +
MySQL on Linux with no success. The problem is I could not find any
tutorials for jAppServer2004 on Glassfish similar to the following ones
written for Jboss and Geronimo:

I know Sun has published benchmark results of Glassfish running
jAppServer2004. So it should be totally doable.

Can anyone point me to any installation guides of jAppServer2004
specific to Glassfish?

Thanks in advance.

Peng Du