Re: Linux or Solaris??

From: Michael Mellinger <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 10:52:14 -0400

We have dev and qa GF in zones on one box. On our production box we
have 2 GF servers proxied off of Apache for our 2 production apps. We
use Grails and it seems to kill the servers on deployment on a regular
basis so we prefer to have 2 GF's for each large app, each with a
separate MySql install. GF is placed in /opt in all of our Zones and
we use Web Stack for MySql.

Zones are very stable. I'm sure you could run multiple sites from
them. Here's Web Stack.


On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Glenn Holmer<> wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-07-15 at 08:31 -0400, Michael Mellinger wrote:
>> We run gf 2.1 on Solaris 10.  We use Zones so we can divide up the
>> hardware into several virtual machines.
> We're also considering switching from Linux to Solaris (OpenSolaris).
> I'd be curious to know how you are using zones: for different sites on
> the same physical machine?  Do you run multiple copies of GlassFish?
> --