Re: Disable display of HTTP Error Messages

From: Hassan Schroeder <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 09:37:19 -0700

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 9:26 AM, <> wrote:
> Is there any way I can globally configure them so that app my applications have a common error page? I guess I'm wondering if there is a global web.xml file? I haven't been able to locate one.

"web.xml" is defined by the Servlet spec and is application-specific,
so a "global" one wouldn't really make sense. That said, I have no
idea if Glassfish provides any proprietary mechanism for global error
message configuration.

> Let's just say I have a pesky architect who doesn't want our developers checking out the web.xml file and disabling the error page override for troubleshooting purposes....

You've gotta be kidding. Please accept my condolences, and good
luck with your job search. :-)

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
twitter: @hassan