Re: GlassFish getting "Merged" with WebLogic?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 14:18:44 -0700

There is also the 4th of July and kids vacation. In particular, here in
the Bay Area, the car traffic in the last two weeks has been very
noticeably better.

re: shareholders and boards ... The shareholders elect the board, and
the board unanimously approved the offer, so one would expect the
shareholders will approve it too. But, what do I know, I'm just an
engineer :-) In any case, IIUC, the shareholders vote is next week.


I think this is about as much as I want to say in this general topic.
Sorry, but I want to stay clearly on the safe side of what is OK to say.

        - eduard/o

Markus Karg wrote:
> Well, actually it more sounded like a clear stop of the project
> development due to the deal and less of being scarce of development
> resources.
> Also I wonder that Sun is already investing a lot of resources into
> answering questions while Sun's current owner -- the shareholders -- in
> fact have not decided to sell to Oracle at all.


> Regards
> Markus