Re: Time lost int the deploy and restart JEE Applications

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 18:54:36 -0700

Hong fails to mention one VERY important point...

  using directory deployment

If you are building a war or ear file to deploy, you cannot take
advantage of this capability.

If you are creating a war or ear file and deploying that, you will waste
a lot of time...

Take a look at this screencast...

The IDE is just using directory deployment and triggers the redeploy
when classes and descriptors are changed...

And it does it very quickly...

Where the initial deployment took over two seconds, the redeployments
are taking about 150ms.

Note: the IDE is not doing anything super secret.... All the magic that
NetBeans uses is available to any user via the admin cli... and even the
admin gui to some extent...


Hong Zhang wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 5:07 AM, Ronaldo Rigoni ...<> wrote:
>>> How much time you lost in the deploy and restart your application
>>> server in development environment?
>> Uh, none?
>>> What's your application server and IDE? Report your experience.
>> I'm only using the glassfish gem for JRoR projects at the moment,
>> but with my old Java apps on Tomcat I just pointed the server at my
>> dev build directory, and that's it. A couple of seconds for the context
>> to reload when a file changed, no big deal.
>> I would think GF would be the same. Are you really totally restarting
>> for every trivial change? That /would/ be painful. :-)
> No, no need to restart server for changes in application. Normally you
> would need to redeploy application for any changes in the application
> to take effect, but for changes in JSP files, you don't even need to
> redeploy the application and changes will take effect at runtime..