Re: Cluster doesn't replicate session

From: gsong <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 00:27:16 -0700 (PDT)

hi Shreedhar,
Thanks alot for your advices.
After learning your comments, i ran the muliticast enable test on the
as your suspicion, the multicast sniffer can't receive the message.

I moved servers to another subnet and tested the multicast with jxta.jar and
shoal-gms.jar. The "com.sun.enterprise.jxtamgmt.LWRMulticastSenderTest" is
runing as sender and the "com.sun.enterprise.jxtamgmt.LWRMulticastRecTest"
as the receiver. The sender always sends 5 messages and receiver receives 5
not as your mentioned 9 messages, anything problem with this subnet?

Then I got the latest release of glassfish2.1b60e bundle and installed in
two servers(winxp) both belong to one subnet that "can receive 5 multicast
messages". This time exceptions occured before the cluster can be set up. I
created a node agent on each server and started them. DAS and node agent
named gf-gua-1 runing on server "BUGUA" with ip and node agent
gf-song-1 and gf-song-2 running on server "SONG" with ip
nodeagent+with+DAS.log DAS received the messages from node agents and them
can't be seen in the admin gui console, but when i checked the log and found
that DAS cannot connect to the the node agent runing on another server, it
seems that node agent can connect to DAS server but DAS connect node agent
on another server failed, attached is the log, is there any problem or
misconfigure on the subnet or server? Thanks again~~

Shreedhar Ganapathy-2 wrote:
> Hi gsong
> The logs show the following : *
> *Starting Sun Java System Application Server* 9.1_02 (build b04-fcs)
> *...|*
> *
> That's an older release and given that a lot more bugs have been fixed
> in the latest v2.1 release, I'd recommend you move to v2.1 b60e (one
> more caveat coming up on that below).
> The v2.1 b60e release build has a replication bug that affects 2
> instance clusters. That has since been fixed and a patch given to
> subscription customers, and the fix integrated into the v2.1.1
> workspace. The bug impacts 2 instance cluster replication so you will
> need a 3 instance cluster with v2.1 release bits, or pick up the latest
> v2.1.1 promoted builds.
> From a diagnostic point of view, your logs show that the machines,
> although said to be on the same subnet, have a possible problem with
> multicast traffic.
> In the instance_gf1_1-server.log, the instances server and
> instance_gf1_1 are listed in the GMS view fairly early on. Presumably
> these are on the same machine. This instance began its start operation
> at *10:46:26*
> [#|2009-07-29T*10:46:30*.468+0800|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=ViewWindowThread;|GMS
> View Change Received: Members in view (before change analysis) are :
> 1: MemberId: server, MemberType: SPECTATOR, Address:
> urn:jxta:uuid-33D33BAA278249EE8BB3BFA9C65FDFBB2DE658F932AB436995B78E0CB3E080DA03
> 2: MemberId: instance_gf1_1, MemberType: CORE, Address:
> urn:jxta:uuid-33D33BAA278249EE8BB3BFA9C65FDFBBA16CD181C81E44F890BC853BFEDD0C7503
> On the second log, there is only one member in the GMS group for a
> really long time: (this instance began its start operation at *10:41:25
> **)
> *[#|2009-07-29T*10:41:33*.625+0800|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=ViewWindowThread;|GMS
> View Change Received: Members in view (before change analysis) are :
> 1: MemberId: instance_gf1_4, MemberType: CORE, Address:
> urn:jxta:uuid-33D33BAA278249EE8BB3BFA9C65FDFBBBD96296F2F914BF495AACF83C2440F3603
> |#]
> It takes about *12 minutes *to discover the DAS spectator server.
> [#|2009-07-29T*10:53:43*.812+0800|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=ViewWindowThread;|GMS
> View Change Received: Members in view (before change analysis) are :
> 1: MemberId: server, MemberType: SPECTATOR, Address:
> urn:jxta:uuid-33D33BAA278249EE8BB3BFA9C65FDFBB2DE658F932AB436995B78E0CB3E080DA03
> 2: MemberId: instance_gf1_4, MemberType: CORE, Address:
> urn:jxta:uuid-33D33BAA278249EE8BB3BFA9C65FDFBBBD96296F2F914BF495AACF83C2440F3603
> |#]
> The instance_gf1_1 is not discovered as a GMS member indicating a
> multicast messaging problem.
> Please look into the following FAQ entry for any diagnosis for future :
> listed under the user FAQ located here :
> Hope this helps.
> Shreedhar
> gsong wrote:
>> I have been reading alot on how to set up glassfish cluter and I think I
>> have
>> did everything suggested on the instructions, but I'm still can't get
>> thte
>> cluster session replication working.
>> I have two server and created one instance on each server. I create a
>> cluster and deployed the clusterjsp.ear which get from the
>> "$glassfish\samples\quickstart\clusterjsp' on the cluster, and it's seems
>> that the session replication never working but it worked when i deploy
>> the
>> two instance both on one mache.
>> test page of instance_gf1_1:
>> ===================
>> Cluster - HA JSP Sample
>> HttpSession Information:
>> Served From Server:
>> Server Port Number: 8081
>> Executed From Server: CN-PC-HZ2095
>> Served From Server instance: instance_gf1_1
>> Executed Server IP Address:
>> Session ID: 46b356b3efb160833d8eac67358a
>> Session Created: Wed Jul 29 10:51:16 CST 2009
>> Last Accessed: Wed Jul 29 10:51:16 CST 2009
>> Session will go inactive in 1800 seconds
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Data retrieved from the HttpSession:
>> gf1_1key = gf1_1value
>> test page of instance_gf1_4:
>> =============================================
>> Cluster - HA JSP Sample
>> HttpSession Information:
>> Served From Server:
>> Server Port Number: 8081
>> Executed From Server: CN-PC-HZ2248
>> Served From Server instance: instance_gf1_4
>> Executed Server IP Address:
>> Session ID: 466af566ca715019afc3ec30a812
>> Session Created: Wed Jul 29 10:46:19 CST 2009
>> Last Accessed: Wed Jul 29 10:46:19 CST 2009
>> Session will go inactive in 1800 seconds
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Data retrieved from the HttpSession:
>> gf1_4key = gf1_4value
>> after stop the insance_gf1_4: noticed that the sessionid is difference
>> from
>> previously
>> ====================================
>> HttpSession Information:
>> Served From Server:
>> Server Port Number: 8081
>> Executed From Server: CN-PC-HZ2095
>> Served From Server instance: instance_gf1_1
>> Executed Server IP Address:
>> Session ID: 4741c0b1946e71c27fd585d80225
>> Session Created: Wed Jul 29 11:00:59 CST 2009
>> Last Accessed: Wed Jul 29 11:00:59 CST 2009
>> Session will go inactive in 1800 seconds
>> ps:
>> 1.All servers in the same subnet
>> 2.avaliable enabled for the application;
>> attached are logs of the two instance.
>> This problem have troubled me for several days, appreciate for anyone
>> gives
>> suggesions!
>> instance_gf1_1-server.log
>> instance_gf1_4-server.log

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