What's wrong? Glassfish SSL access problem

From: <>
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 10:59:16 PDT

Hi Experts,

here is the situation. I have a Glassfish server installed on a dev computer named dev_computer. I setup an SSL certificate (a Verisign trial one) to be able to use https (according to this tutorial: ). I used the "Developer Profile" to setup the ssl. The setup works great, i can get access to my website through https without problem... from the dev_computer (web server).
But, when i'm trying to connect to the web server (dev_computer) from another computer (in the same Lan) to make some tests... oups! i got an error like: "dev_computer use an invalid certificate" or "the certificate in not safe because blablabla...".

what's wrong now?

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