Pass username from custom realm to error page

From: <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 11:31:02 +0200


at the moment we are trying to get our old Tomcat 5 applications to work in Glassfish v2. I've implemented a custom realm for authentication and it works fine. But I have the following problem:
If a user enters a wrong password the user will be redirected to an error page:


As you can see we're using Struts (I guess it's V1.x). My action looks like this:

    public void doExecute(ActionContext ctx) throws Exception
        String text = "";
        if (ctx.request().getParameter("loginTimeout") != null)
            String userName = ctx.request().getParameter("j_username");

In our tomcat environment all parameters (j_username, ...) were available in this action. Now in our glassfish environment the parameters map is empty so I can't get the username. Is there any chance to geht the username? Perhaps it is possible to access the request from my custom realm that extends the IASRealm?

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