Re: LoadBalancer- Sun Web Server 6.1- can't find ../clusterjsp (File not found)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:11:33 PDT

Thanks for your response...

I could not see any errors in the startup. Here is the log (level set to finest) for your reference.. (trace from "<webserver-instance>\log\errors" file)

[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] info ( 5380): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP5 B08/17/2005 10:21
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): Concurrency set to 2
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): Emulating writev for filter http-compression
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): Emulating sendfile for filter http-compression
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP3063: KeepAliveTimeout is 30 seconds (default value)
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP3067: PostThreadsEarly set to off
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Entering into method : init_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP5169: User authentication cache entries expire in 120 seconds.
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP5170: User authentication cache holds 200 users
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP5171: Up to 4 groups are cached for each cached user.
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP4207: file cache module initialized (API versions 1 through 1)
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP4302: file cache has been initialized
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): HTTP3066: MaxKeepAliveConnections set to 256
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): Installed configuration 1
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Entering into method : init_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] info ( 5380): reports: Initializing lbplugin BuildId: A701212-164111
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Exiting out of method : init_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm stickyAttach: 1
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: -DJAVA_HOME=D:/Sun/WebServer61/bin/https/jdk
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: -Dcom.sun.web.installRoot=D:/Sun/WebServer61
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: -Dcom.sun.web.instanceRoot=D:/Sun/WebServer61
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: exit
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: vfprintf
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option:
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: -Djava.util.logging.manager=com.iplanet.ias.server.logging.ServerLogManager
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: -Xmx256m
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): jvm option: -Djava.class.path=D:/Sun/WebServer61/bin/https/jar/webserv-rt.jar;D:/Sun/WebServer61/bin/https/jdk/lib/tools.jar;D:/Sun/WebServer61/bin/https/jar/webserv-ext.jar;D:/Sun/WebServer61/bin/https/jar/webserv-jstl.jar;D:/Sun/WebServer61/bin/https/jar/ktsearch.jar;;
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): Emulating writev for filter j2ee-filter
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): Emulating sendfile for filter j2ee-filter
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Entering into method : vsinit
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Exiting out of method : vsinit
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): reinitializeLogger: javax.enterprise.system.core com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.core.LogStrings FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): reinitializeLogger: null FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): reinitializeLogger: global null FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): reinitializeLogger: javax.enterprise.system.util com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.util.LogStrings FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:00] fine ( 5380): reinitializeLogger: javax.enterprise.system.core.config com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.core.config.LogStrings FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] info ( 5380): CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.4.2_04] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): initializeServerLogger: javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.core.classloading.LogStrings FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): initializeServerLogger: javax.enterprise.system.container.web com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.container.web.LogStrings FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): WEB7101: Naming Service has been successfully initialized.
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): initializeServerLogger: javax.enterprise.resource com.sun.logging.enterprise.resource.LogStrings FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): WEB7010: Resource Manager has been successfully initialized.
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): initializeServerLogger: FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Initializing configured realms.
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): FileRealm : file=D:/Sun/WebServer61/
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): FileRealm : jaas-context=fileRealm
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Reading file realm: D:/Sun/WebServer61/
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Configured realm: file
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): NativeRealm: auth-db= null (will use default)
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): NativeRealm : jaas-context=nativeRealm
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Configured realm: native
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : directory=ldap://localhost:389
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : base-dn=o=isp
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : jndiCtxFactory=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : jaas-context=ldapRealm
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : mode=find-bind
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : search-filter=uid=%s
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : group-base-dn=o=isp
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : group-search-filter=uniquemember=%d
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : group-target=cn
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : search-bind-dn=null
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : search-bind-password=null
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : pool-size=5
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): LDAPRealm : authentication=simple
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Configured realm: ldap
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] finest ( 5380): Realm: getInstance returning realm :native
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Default realm is set to: native
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Application server configuration file: D:/Sun/WebServer61/
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Application Server default locale is en_US
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Web container log level: FINEST
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] finer ( 5380): Creating engine
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] finer ( 5380): Adding engine (org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine/1.0)
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Entering into method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] catastrophe ( 5380): LBConfigParser.cpp_at_741: reports: lb.configurator: CNFG1000: Parsing of file :D:/Sun/WebServer61/ Failed at line : 1 and column : 97.The error message is : Expected whitespace
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] catastrophe ( 5380): LBConfigurator.cpp_at_88: reports: lb.configurator: CNFG1014 : Error occured while initializing Loadbalancer config Parser. Please check the config file: D:/Sun/WebServer61/
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): debug reports: /
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Exiting out of method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] info ( 5380): WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [] at [/search]
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] finer ( 5380): Creating Loader with parent class loader 'sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader_at_1ff5ea7'
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Setting delegate to false
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:03] fine ( 5380): Default role is: ANYONE
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] fine ( 5380): WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [] at [/]
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): Creating Loader with parent class loader 'sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader_at_1ff5ea7'
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] fine ( 5380): WebModule[]: Setting delegate to false
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] fine ( 5380): Successfully initialized web application environment for virtual server []
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): Starting embedded server
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): Naming prefixes property is set to: org.apache.naming
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): Naming initial context factory property is set to:
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Starting
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Processing start(), current available=false
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Configuring default Resources
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Processing standard container startup
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): WebappLoader[/search]: WEB3106: Deploying class repositories to work directory D:\Sun\WebServer61\\ClassCache\\search
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): WebappLoader[/search]: WEB3107: Deploy JAR /WEB-INF/lib/messages.jar to D:\Sun\WebServer61\bin\https\webapps\search\WEB-INF\lib\messages.jar
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:04] finer ( 5380): StandardManager[/search]: WEB3421: Seeding random number generator class
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): StandardManager[/search]: WEB3417: Seeding of random number generator has been completed
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: WEB3539: ContextConfig: Processing START
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Setting deployment descriptor public ID to '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN'
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Setting deployment descriptor public ID to '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN'
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: Scanning web.xml tag libraries
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: URI='/search', ResourcePath='/WEB-INF/sun-web-search.tld'
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: tldConfigJar(/WEB-INF/sun-web-search.tld): error in opening zip file
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: URI='/jstl-fmt', ResourcePath='/WEB-INF/fmt.tld'
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: tldConfigJar(/WEB-INF/fmt.tld): error in opening zip file
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:05] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: Scanning library JAR files
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finest ( 5380): Realm name has been set to: native
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finest ( 5380): Realm: getInstance returning realm :native
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finest ( 5380): The realm native is a NativeRealm.
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: Pipeline Configuration:
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve/1.0
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[/search]: ======================
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Configuring application event listeners
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Sending application start events
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Starting filters
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Posting standard context attributes
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): StandardWrapper[/search:invoker]: WEB2770: Loading container servlet invoker
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] info ( 5380): WEB2798: [/search] ServletContext.log(): WEB3946: Parent class loader is: WebappClassLoader
  delegate: false
----------> Parent Classloader:

[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] info ( 5380): WEB2798: [/search] ServletContext.log(): WEB3945: Scratch dir for the JSP engine is: D:\Sun\WebServer61\\ClassCache\\search
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] info ( 5380): WEB2798: [/search] ServletContext.log(): WEB3947: IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[/search]: Starting completed
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Starting
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Processing start(), current available=false
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Configuring default Resources
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Processing standard container startup
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebappLoader[]: WEB3106: Deploying class repositories to work directory D:\Sun\WebServer61\\ClassCache\\default-webapp
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): StandardManager[]: WEB3421: Seeding random number generator class
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): StandardManager[]: WEB3417: Seeding of random number generator has been completed
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[]: WEB3539: ContextConfig: Processing START
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Setting deployment descriptor public ID to '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN'
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Entering into method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: /WEB-INF/web.xml
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Exiting out of method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[]: WEB3523: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[]: Scanning web.xml tag libraries
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[]: Scanning library JAR files
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finest ( 5380): Realm name has been set to: native
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finest ( 5380): Realm: getInstance returning realm :native
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finest ( 5380): The realm native is a NativeRealm.
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[]: Pipeline Configuration:
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[]: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve/1.0
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): ContextConfig[]: ======================
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Configuring application event listeners
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Sending application start events
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Starting filters
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Posting standard context attributes
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): StandardWrapper[:invoker]: WEB2770: Loading container servlet invoker
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Entering into method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: /WEB-INF/web.xml
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Exiting out of method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] info ( 5380): WEB2798: [] ServletContext.log(): WEB3946: Parent class loader is: WebappClassLoader
  delegate: false
----------> Parent Classloader:

[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Entering into method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: /
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): debug reports: Exiting out of method : name_trans_lbplugin
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] finer ( 5380): WebModule[]: Starting completed
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): Adding web module : context = /search, location = D:/Sun/WebServer61/bin/https/webapps/search
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): adding pattern "/advanced" for resource "AdvSearchServlet"
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): adding pattern "/servlet/*" for resource "invoker"
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): adding pattern "*.jsp" for resource "jsp"
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): Adding web module : context = , location = D:/Sun/WebServer61/docs
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): adding pattern "*.jsp" for resource "jsp"
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): adding pattern "/servlet/*" for resource "invoker"
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): Waiting until the server is ready
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] info ( 5380): HTTP3072: [LS ls1] ready to accept requests
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): Released configuration 1
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): Installed configuration 1
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): Started 48 request processing threads
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] info ( 5380): CORE3274: successful server startup
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): The server is now ready to process requests
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:06] fine ( 5380): Attaching to JVM thread service-j2ee-1
[26/Jun/2009:10:37:07] fine ( 5380): entering low latency mode

Please let me know if you can make out anything from this log. Meanwhile, I will have a look at the thread you sent and try out the recommendations from that thread.

[Message sent by forum member 'bharanib' (bharanib)]