Re: Glassfish Platform Support : Windows 64-bit

From: Comerford, Sean <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 13:14:39 +0000

I can tell you from experience that we haven¹t seen any problems running 64
bit Windows Server 2003

But last I checked it doesn¹t work with the 64 bit JDK for some reason so
you just have to use the 32 bit one.

On 6/25/09 12:29 AM, "Anand Vithalani" <> wrote:

> Is glassfish is supported on 64-bit Windows.  The glassfish website,  says it
> supports Windows (without mentioninig 32/64 bits) .
> For Linux/Solaris it explicitly mentions 64-bit support but not for Windows.
> Is glassfish has been tested on Windowss 64-bit ?
> Regards
> Anand

Sean Comerford, Software Engineer Site Architecture Group
Office: 860.766.6454    Cell: 860.951.6973