Re: Glassfish (v3) and FastCGI (PHP)

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 09:35:07 -0400


Barry van Someren wrote:
> Hi,
> I vaguely recall that CGI support was going to be part of Glassfish
> V3, but what about FastCGI?

Right. we only support CGI right now.

> FastCGI does not fork a process under your application, but it runs a
> simple standalone server for added security and scalability (over CGI)
> It also allows running as a separate user.. etc.
> So I've taken a look at JFastCgi and found it to work pretty much out
> of the box on Glassfish V3.
> It runs Wordpress fine (with the exception that the default Windows
> CGI version only opens 1 worker by the looks of it)
> I'm going to run some more tests this week under Linux / Mac OS X if I
> can get a decent FastCGI version of PHP going.
> Maybe I can shoehorn the code into a module of sorts?

That would be nice. In order to include your donation, make sure you sign:

I need to check if we can integrate product under the BSD licenses, but
that should work.

> Right now it's just a servlet, pretty much like CGIServlet.

That would make it quite easy to integrate and enable. using the


-- jeanfrancois

> Regards,
> Barry
> You can find JFastCGI here: