I wonder that is there a way to run Glassfish v3 with small memory
footprint devices like 512mb devices with performance? In 512mb
devices we will have really small amount of users to serve. We are
using EJB and Jersey modules.
I have tried many tricks on domain.xml like decreasing pool numbers
and closing unnecessary services and ports. Currently installed
packages are:
felix 1.2.2-0 installed ----
glassfish-amx 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-api 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-common 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-corba-omgapi 3.0.0-1 installed ----
glassfish-ejb 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-grizzly installed ----
glassfish-hk2 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-jca 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-jdbc 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-jdbc-management 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-jpa 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-jsf 2.0.0-13 installed ----
glassfish-jta 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-jts 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-management 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-nucleus 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-web 3.0-28.4 installed ----
glassfish-web-management 3.0-28.4 installed ----
jersey 1.1.0-1.0 installed ----
metro 1.4-5010 installed ----
pkg 1.0.7-15.1269 installed ----
pkg-java 1.0.7-15.1269 installed ----
python2.4-minimal installed ----
What should I do in order to run Glassfish in a very small scale?