We are running Glassfish Enterprise Server 2.1 on SUSE Linux 10.1.
In Glassfish I created a standalone remote broker so that all applications would have a common broker to use for JMS and not the broker it creates with each standalone server you create. This way the starting and stopping the broker is independent of starting/stopping the standalone server and every standalone server has the same remote broker to use. So I have the Java Message Service settings in each standalone server configured to connect to this broker in remote mode.
I created the remote broker this way:
/[i]install-root[/i]/imq/bin/imqbrokerd -name HABroker -port 7979 2>1&
This created the broker in:
What is happening every day at the exact same time, on every server I have created this broker on, is it shuts itself down gracefully at 5:59 PM Central time. We have nothing set up to stop the broker. I have even tried starting up a different broker on a different port with nothing connecting to it. Same result. Here is imq log entry of it shutting down:
[11/Jun/2009:16:05:44 CDT] [B1066]: Closing: admin_at_172.31.4.10:50512->jms:50402 because "[B0059]: Client closed the connection". Count: service=0 broker=5
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1007]: Stopping Service admin with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1007]: Stopping Service jms with protocol tcp(host = *, port=0, mode=dedicated)
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1066]: Closing: admin_at_172.31.4.10:42462->jms:50402 because "[B0060]: Service shutting down". Count: service=0 broker=4
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1066]: Closing: admin_at_172.31.4.10:60194->jms:50402 because "[B0060]: Service shutting down". Count: service=0 broker=3
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1066]: Closing: admin_at_172.31.4.10:60200->jms:50402 because "[B0060]: Service shutting down". Count: service=0 broker=2
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1066]: Closing: guest_at_172.31.4.10:42446->jms:50402 because "[B0060]: Service shutting down". Count: service=0 broker=1
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] [B1066]: Closing: guest_at_172.31.4.10:60169->jms:50402 because "[B0060]: Service shutting down". Count: service=0 broker=0
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:31 CDT] JMX Connector Server jmxrmi stopped successfully
[11/Jun/2009:16:59:33 CDT] [B1048]: Shutdown of broker complete.
Does anyone know why it does this and how I can prevent it? Is there a flag or setting in the configuration or the way I start up the broker? As I said it does this on every server I have set this up on at the same time. So its not a case where one server has some issues.
Thank you.
[Message sent by forum member 'sbeard' (sbeard)]