There are probably lots of ways to do what you want, and GlassFish is definitely one of them.
Briefly, you could build an application that contained the server-side pieces (the web services) and also one or more application clients. When you write the clients you can use annotations to declare the web services you want to access from the client.
GlassFish also automatically supports launching app clients using Java Web Start, so you do not have to write the JNLP yourself.
One note of caution - currently there are several large JARs needed on the client to support this, not because it's so complicated so much as the way the GlassFish classes have been packaged into various JARs. So when an end-user launches a client using Java Web Start for the first time, Java Web Start needs to download quite a bit of stuff. Of course once downloaded those files are cached on the end-user system so they do not need to be fetched again for subsequent launches.
- Tim
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