Hang when calling stored procedure

From: <>
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 02:32:37 PDT

I have a webservice running on glassfish that is calling an oracle stored procedure. Clients make about 30-50 request per second on that webservice.

The problem is that only 2-3 calls can be made to the webservice before glassfish hangs (can't even login to the console). When I do not make the stored procedure call, everything runs fine.

Is there something wrong with my code:

        public void callStoredProcedure(String param)
                Connection cnx = null;
                        InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
                        DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/mandplbs");
                        cnx = ds.getConnection();
                catch(NamingException ex)
                catch(SQLException ex)
                if(cnx != null)
                                String sql = "{call mandplbs_test_proc(?)}";
                                CallableStatement stmt = cnx.prepareCall(sql);
                                stmt.setString(1, param);
                                boolean results = stmt.execute();
                                                ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
                                        results = stmt.getMoreResults();
                                } while(results);
                catch(SQLException ex)
                        logger.debug("Uncaught exception", ex);
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