
From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 12:53:52 -0400

Does anyone have a JNI application running in Glassfish?
I have a third party JNI app (Netica). It runs fine from the command
i have an EJBModule and a BPEL project added to a composite app. The
composite app is deployed to Glassfish and runs fine - receiving and
responding to SOAP message.
i then add the JNI app to the EJBModule and deploy the composite app to
there are two SOAP messages to the composite app - setup and activate.
i issue the setup message - the request and response occur.
i issue the activate message - the JNI app runs - all is good - the
results are stored in the database.
after the JNI app should be completed, the memory usage starts to climb.
any suggestions?