GlassFish Enterprise v2.1, Cluster questions (Timer migration, HTTP sess.)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 07:20:28 PDT

Hi all,

I need to create a clustered app.server, that will run a simple enterprise app containing a web app, JMS and Timer. I've created a test app, based upon cluster jps, that should test the following:

1) HTTP Session persistence
2) Timer migration
3) JMS persistence (not ready yet)

The app. just uses log4j socket appender to announce it's status (it sends the name of the instance).

I've setup a simple one-machine GlassFish cluster by running {GlassFishHome}\samples\quickstart\clusterjsp\build.xml

My testcase is simple

1) Run the cluster
2) Kill instance where the TIMER is running
3) Check the HTTP session
4) Check the timer

The HTTP session is replicated OK, but when I kill the instance, it is restarted automaticaly and the HTTP session is lost, which is not OK.

The timer is not migrated, the application waits until the instance is back and running and continues to run the timer on the same instance. Which is wrong too.

The question: How can I fix this? I want the HTTP session to be persisted, no matter if I kill one of the instances. I want the timer to be migrated to the other instance.

Maybe I just don't understand the cluster at all, but that's the kind of behaviour I am looking for.
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