How to make Glassfish 2.1 use ocijdbc11

From: <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 00:58:30 PDT

This is my first post here! I just have a question with regards to how to make glassfish 2.1 use ocijdbc11.dll. I recently downloaded a reporting application called JasperServer (community edition) which I configured for use with Oracle 11g and glassfish. I have deployed the war file into glassfish after doing all the necessary steps (copying ojdbc14.jar and ocijdbc11.dll into the gf lib folder, creating an Oracle datasource using the "thick" driver, etc.) However, when I try to ping my database from gf. I get a no ocijdbc10 in java.library path error. I assumed gf 2.1 defaults the oci driver to 10 so I copied the files over from my 10gr2 database. Unfortunately, if I use this oci version against an 11g database, I get a java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01024: invalid datatype in OCI call. I assume 11g expects the dll version that came with it. What settings in glassfish should I change to make it use ocijdbc11.dll?

Thanks in advance!
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