Re: Cant make new version of class(ear) beeing used by glassfish

From: Per Steffensen <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 14:18:31 +0200

Hi again

I have solved the problem. I had an old version application deployed
(built by maven another place than the application build by eclipse)
under a different name. It turned out that this old application is
always used, so no matter how much I changed the version built and
deployed by eclipse, it was always the old code from the old application
that was run.
Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.

Regards, Per Steffensen

Per Steffensen skrev:
> Hi
> I have an application that I build and run on Glassfish using Eclipse.
> I works ok. If I make a change to some class in Eclipse and
> (re)publish to server, I can see (on the size of the file) that the
> new class-file is generated to
> <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0, and
> the deploy to the server goes fine.
> But the new code will not be used by glassfish - yes, I am sure. Not
> even if I restart glassfish or anything. I cant get a new version of a
> class file in use, no matter what I do.
> I have tried to create a new domain, setup the same resources as in
> the original domain, and deployed the exact same application to the
> new domain from Eclipse. Then the application works, and the new
> version of the class is beeing used.
> If I stop the server running the new domain, start the server running
> the original domain up, and deploy the exact same application from
> Eclipse, the problem is still there in the original domain (the new
> class will not be used).
> That makes me guess that the problem is with the original domain. But
> how can a domain be so f..... up that when you deploy to it, nothing
> will show to be going wrong, but the new code will just not get into
> use???
> Any comments, suggestions...
> Regards, Per Steffensen