Cant make new version of class(ear) beeing used by glassfish

From: Per Steffensen <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 13:36:51 +0200


I have an application that I build and run on Glassfish using Eclipse. I
works ok. If I make a change to some class in Eclipse and (re)publish to
server, I can see (on the size of the file) that the new class-file is
generated to
<workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0, and
the deploy to the server goes fine.
But the new code will not be used by glassfish - yes, I am sure. Not
even if I restart glassfish or anything. I cant get a new version of a
class file in use, no matter what I do.

I have tried to create a new domain, setup the same resources as in the
original domain, and deployed the exact same application to the new
domain from Eclipse. Then the application works, and the new version of
the class is beeing used.

If I stop the server running the new domain, start the server running
the original domain up, and deploy the exact same application from
Eclipse, the problem is still there in the original domain (the new
class will not be used).
That makes me guess that the problem is with the original domain. But
how can a domain be so f..... up that when you deploy to it, nothing
will show to be going wrong, but the new code will just not get into use???

Any comments, suggestions...

Regards, Per Steffensen